Week 2 Story: The Cunning Pelican

On their quest to find Marlin's son, Nemo, he and Dory get caught up in a terrible storm. The waves are so high and powerful that they are washed ashore into a tiny pool with a handful of others. As the days pass they haven't the thought of how they will escape the ever so evaporating pool. Just when all hope seems lost a pelican flies by. He notices all the captured fish and thinks to himself to make a quick meal. "I'll trick them. I'll offer a free ride back into the ocean but the only place they'll be riding free to is my stomach."

He flies down and says "Oh no dear friends you've been washed ashore into this pool. I can help you. Swim into my beak and I will transport you back into the ocean." Dory gleefully replies "Oh, that sounds so great I'm so over this pool, maybe we can take the scenic route I've always wanted to see the great state of Oklahoma from the sky. The musical made it sound so nice."

Marlin confused replied, "How do we know we can trust you, that you won't just gobble us up?" The pelican knowing their dire situation answers "You will die from lack of water in two days time, I am your best option clownfish." With that Marlin, Dory, and the other fish swim into the mouth of the pelican. He takes off soaring higher and higher mouth slightly ajar and headed towards the ocean. Just as he crests over the water the fish feel something from the back of his throat and the water level begins decreasing.

"Oh no he's swallowing us!" exclaimed Marlin All the fish frantically yelling "Oh no! -What do we do?!" Just then Dory has an idea "I know what to do! If we can close enough to the water I speak whale and can call for help." "That's idiotic and it's not gonna work Dory!" yelled Marlin. "Everyone we need to swim down, with our combined force we can bring him down! Just swim down!" "Swim down, swim down, swim down!" They all chant in unison. "Heheeelllpp UusUss Puhleaaseee" Dory keeps yelling in whale as she swims downward.

Marlin's plan begins to work and the combined force causes the pelican to lose altitude, descending straight towards the ocean. The cunning pelican thinks quickly "Well if I can't have you all then I'll make sure to have most of you!" Just then the pelican spits them all out. All the fish begin plummeting towards the ocean's surface and the pelican begins dive-bombing the fish in midair. Catching them by one's and two's and gobbling them up.

"AHHHHHH!!!! HhheEELlppP UuuUSss!!" yells Dory in whale as she falls. Just as the pelican is about to swallow Dory a great blue whale leaps from the ocean swallowing the pelican whole. Dory and Marlin hit the ocean surface and swim deep. They watch as the whale swims away. Marlin still in shock calls out "ThhHannk YOuuoU!" "Wow, you can speak whale? That's so cool, I wanna learn that sometime." Dory exclaims. Marlin dumbfounded states "Dory- nevermind we need to keep going, we need to find Nemo... P. Sherman 42 Wallaby Way, Sydney" "Who's Nemo?" Dory asks. Marlin begins mumbling under his breath as they swim off.

(Marlin and Dory riding in the mouth of a pelican)


W. H. D. Rouse, The Cunning Crane, and the Crab, The Panchatantra link.


  1. I love that you incorporated Finding Nemo to the story! It added a layer of nostalgia that made the story more enjoyable. I also like the line where Dory was talking about Oklahoma and it was a funny fourth wall type joke. I also like the story was short and concise because it was a quick and fun read. Good job for your first story!

  2. Hi David,

    I love what you did with the original Jataka tale! I think bringing in a story that most of us know very well is so smart to help understand the story. I especially like how you incorporated multiple aspects from Finding Nemo into this rewritten version of the Cunning Crane. Reading this makes me want to sit down and watch Finding Nemo right now! I think that your ability to make people feel reminiscent of their childhood is a great thing when creating stories like this.

  3. Hi David,
    Awesome Finding Nemo story haha! I remembered when the pelican helped get them back to the ocean in the movie. I can definitely see the parallels the crane and crab story. I like your unique twist and how you incorporated the teamwork aspect along with both of them speaking whale. Great work and good luck in your future endeavors!


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